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Why throw away all your hard work? Why not make a digital twin?

Instalação de testes portátil da Siemens
Siemens Portable Test Facility

One aspect that causes great frustration is when customers design extremely detailed and sophisticated systems, but, after design validation, choose to discard them. Although this is a valid workflow , it is important to reflect on the possibility of taking advantage of all the benefits of the developed model. Why discontinue use of the model after validation when there is an opportunity to continue using it during the design and operation phases of the system? This approach can result in significant time and resource savings, as well as ensuring that the system is always up to date with necessary changes and improvements.

Currently, with the evolution of Industry 4.0, making tools and resources available to leverage simulation models far beyond the initial design phase has become essential. In that sense, a connector was developed inside Simcenter Flomaster , which allows you to interact with the hardware and create executable digital twins, based on your original models.

With this approach, it is possible to extend the use of simulation models to the operational phase, coupling them to a physical plant or thermofluid dynamic system . This means that a full fidelity model of the thermofluid system can be run in real time as an executable digital twin ( xDT ).

With this approach, it is possible to extend the use of simulation models to the operational phase, coupling them to a physical plant or thermofluid dynamic system . This means that a full fidelity model of the thermofluid system can be run in real time as an executable digital twin ( xDT ).

Vazamento na tubulação de alta pressão
Leak in high pressure pipeline

But what if the intention is just to create features? If we want to test them comprehensively? With simulation-based capabilities, this is achieved through validation exercises. However, how do you test a connection to physical hardware ?

The answer is simple: Create a test installation!

The test setup shown at the beginning of this article, while certainly compact and portable, can be used to validate several important operational scenarios. The first is virtual detection, which allows obtaining additional information about the system by simulating the digital twin, in addition to relying on the installed physical sensors.

This is particularly important in many situations, for example when measuring something without affecting the value or when the system operates at extreme temperatures and pressures, which can damage hardware sensors . This highlights the fact that hardware sensors are expensive and fragile, and time consuming to install and change.

The solution to all this is to install some sensors, and take advantage of virtual detection. This was performed on the test rig as flowmeters are notoriously expensive. So only one was installed directly after the pumps, and then throughout the rest of the system, virtual flowmeters are used in all the complex and winding fluid paths.

Funcionamento nominal do banco de ensaio com fluxo de fluido em duas das três linhas
Test bench nominal operation with fluid flow in two of the three lines

As can be seen in this Human Machine Interface (HMI), the fluid enters from the left before splitting into three distinct paths. These eventually combine and form a closed loop. Normally, we wouldn't know what the flows are on each of the lines. You could probably guess that it's a third of the main flow for this example, but if you had more rows with variable geometry, how would you know?

Also, what would happen if one of the valves didn't open or close? You would believe that there is flow where there is none, which could lead to insufficient cooling and result in more failures.

To obtain additional information about the operation of the facilities, virtual sensors that work outside the model within Simcenter Flomaster are added . They have been colored blue on the HMI for easy reference. We can see that there is flow present on lines one and two, and to an operator there would be no discernible difference between a hardware or software sensor.

The system is able to respond and match the real plant through changes in the operating point. For example, starting and stopping pumps, opening and closing valves in the system and through leak lines we added to simulate a leak detection scenario. By doing this, the real-time full fidelity model can handle whatever operating point the hardware is running at. This is the main advantage of using a full-fidelity model rather than a reduced-order model.

To show this in more detail, watch this short video.

Make the most of your models and streamline your design and operation processes, while reducing instrumentation costs and gaining additional insight into your plants. At CAEXPERTS, a SIEMENS technology partner , we are available to help you on this journey, offering our experience in modeling and advanced simulation.

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